Thursday, 19 December 2013



The game,24 was planned to be dominantly based around the well known movie, In Time. It also includes characters from World war Z and the game, Dead Rising.
My main character is Fay. She is of mixed descent and speaks British English. She is 25 years old and carrys herself independently. She is a very determined person and describes herself as a ''strong woman''. Fay's character was planned to possess such characteristics due to the games narrative, whereby she is the main protagonist and has to fight for her survival in the Time World which requires her to conquer many zombies and run from the Time Keepers. She politically supports the Labor party as she believes everyone should be rewarded for the work that they do themselves. In terms of her dialogue in the game because she speaks British English she pronounces her words articulately. She has a habit of saying '' Now, that was easy ''. Her voice is naturally soft and silvery with a touch of authority. She is always helping people and giving out her Time. She is very opinionated which supports her extrovert personality . She is a leader and a fighter and never avoids confrontations, but instead starts them. She sticks up for what she feels is the right thing to do.

Another character of the game includes the Time keeper Chief, who is very reserved which makes his discreet and formal personality very professional in terms of his job. His voice is deep and demanding , authority is clearly heard through his tone of voice as he shouts out demands and instructions to other time keepers. While the time keeper is talking, he looks directly into the persons eye and makes eye contact rather imposing and uncomfortable. The sentence the time Keeper Chief always says is '' Take their time away''.

Zombies are incapable of speech, they make noises and grunts that sound like murmurs. The only sound they make that is as close to a word is 'mmmmmmdddd' which sounds like ' food' without the 'f' . Whenever they open their mouths a horrid stench of decayed mould,blood and feces is let out. Their breath smells like this due to their diet and hygiene of only eating humans and not brushing their teeth afterwards.

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