The game features only one playable character while the other characters acts as the protagonists enemies.
The game features only one playable character while the other characters acts as the protagonists enemies.
Police- ''Time Keepers''
Gangsters- ''Minute Men''
In a world where everyone stops ageing at 24, time is of the essence.
Time is a currency and must be earned in order for you to carry on living.Time can be earned in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks,months,years,centuries, millennia and so forth. The rich live forever, and the poor die young.Complete the challenges and tasks set to you and kill all the zombies you encounter. Killing the zombies will gain you time but you must avoid thieves who will try to steal it. Thieves are not to be killed, only avoided. Do not steal time from other people as the police known as the Time Keepers will come and catch you and charge you for the crime.
Genre of Game : Racing, Platform,Shooters and Adventure hybrid
Story line Theme :
Inspiration : The movie In Time,Warm Bodies, and World War Z. The game Dead Rising .
My games storyline narrative,structure and aim is a combination of three movies of which, one would be the centralised and main theme the game will be based upon. The 'violence' and 'action' aspect of the game was inspired by a renowned xbox game known as Dead Rising.The emotional elements of 'urgency' and 'thrill' were inspired by the movie In Time. The introducing of the Zombie characters were influenced by the movies Warm Bodies and World War Z.
All my research materials were sourced from the Wikepedia,IMBD, and Yahoo website.
In Time Movie : As quoted from IMBD, ''In a future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having the means to buy your way out of the situation is a shot at immortal youth. ''
As quoted from Yahoo, ''In the near future, people are immortal because the aging gene has been deactivated. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency. The rich can live forever, and the rest have to negotiate for their immortality. When a young man comes into a fortune of time, he ends up on the run from a corrupt force known as "time keepers."
Warm Bodies Movie : As quoted from Wikipedia ,'' After a zombie apocalypse, R, a zombie, spends his days wandering around an airport which is now filled with hordes of his fellow undead, including his best friend M. R and M achieve rudimentary communication with grunts and moans and occasional near-words.''
World War Z: As quoted from IMBD ''United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to destroy humanity itself.''
Zombies: The zombies in the game have the ability to kill the protagonist of the game, which in turn ends the whole game for the player. They do so by attacking and then eating him/her. One of the aims of the game is for the protagonist to kill the zombie.Zombie can only be specifically killed by being stabbed directly in their hearts.
Zombies appear in the game in large groups of both male and female. They are very threatening and fearful looking.Their bloody bodies are dressed in torn,dirty,scruffy rags.
Their main role in the game is to be constantly attacking the protagonist.
Police- Time Keepers: The police in my game are known as The Time Keepers. Like in real life, they ensure rules and laws are abided. The Time Keepers will be watching the players every move. If the player manages to steal or possess time from underhand means , it is the Time keepers jobs to charge him/her for the crime and take the time away. They will chase the protagonist posing as another challenge the protagonist has to face and avoid. They are dressed all in black and are represented by the male gender. They are presented to impose and be fearful to the protagonist.
Lareb Naseem : "The concept of the game is different in terms of how Theresa has gained inspiration from both games and movies. The inspiration which she has gained from these particular games/ movies really do show through which I think would give the player a sense of 'belonging' as it may very well be based around one of their favourite actors or characters. In terms of the character, there isn't much of an explanation as to who he/she is nor a background check explaining how he got into this situation. The storyline of the actual game however is very imaginative and definitely a game that I myself would play."
Based on Lareb's feedback , in terms of the storyline and the aim of the game I would not change anything. I am pleased with the feedback I have been given and only wish to work on my explanation and description of my main protagonist as Lareb Naseem has suggested. I totally agree with what she has said and would make my protagonists background clearer and ambition clearer. The Protagonist, whose name is up to the player to decide is simply from this type of alternate world where time is a currency, his/her aim of the game is to just survive and make the world a better place by killing the zombies.
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